I know this is long overdue but.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! It has been very busy at the Library trying to get back at the pace of actually working. Checking on book overdue, getting back into the habit of checking in and out books, helping people finding books, (remembering where everything is) and of course picking up that pesky habit of actually waking up and getting out of bed. :) The Library had no trouble picking up the pace though. People coming in after the holidays looking for new books to check out; needing help with their NEW Nooks, Kindles and iPads that they got for Christmas; faxing, making copies for their work. Or just people need to check their emails. Just getting back in the habit of day to day lives. Seeing familiar faces, talking about what we did on our Christmas/New Years vacation, who did we see. And then seeing new faces just dropping by, on their way home but need a print of their plane tickets. Now it is starting be...
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