Library Book Club

We love getting suggestions from our Patrons.  We are always improving in the things that we do and we want to be able to make sure that those items is what the public wants.  And one of the suggestions that someone asked was that the Library come up with Book Club.  Now keep in mind there are plenty of other book clubs out there but someone thought it would bring in more people if there was a Book Club in ONE place and that place being the Library.  We Librarians thought it over and said this would be a wonderful idea and it would generate new people to come see our Library.

Our first meeting is going to be this Saturday September 6, 10 in the morning. myself is not a morning person but it for the good of the people, I will be up, freshened up and ready to lead a discussion with my co-worker/boss.  (I have to say this she reads these posts sometimes!!)  

But it's going to be a good Book Club.  Mostly because we Librarians have ways of getting more books available to the public, and we LOVE having LONG talks about books.  And I mean LONG, LONG talks about books.  Whether they were good or bad, fiction/non-fiction, series/stand-alone we love talking about books and seeing what YOUR interpretation of the books mean.  Everyone will the read the book differently.  "Through careful manipulation and good storytelling, you can get everybody to clap at the same time, to hopefully laugh at the same time, and to be afraid at the same time.  But you can't get everybody to interpret the result in the same way.  And that's thrilling to know - that everybody will see it differently." ~ Steven Spielberg.  And that is the truth.  And the best thing we Librarians get out of it, are the discussions about one single book and see what people get out of that book.  And that also helps us Librarians do our jobs better for then we can "profile" the person and sees what they see and the next time that person comes in the library looking for a book recommendation we can give them just that.  Just by having these type of book discussions.

So I am really looking forward to this first time Book Club Discussion and hope that we get a good turn out and hopefully they will want to come back for more talks about books.  The one thing that we are kind of hooked on at the moment is a name.  Every book club has a name and instead of calling it the "Shelby Area District Library Book Club" (wow, what a mouthful) we are trying to find something that is simple but sweet, and little humor thrown in there for good measure!  Here are some ideas:
  • Dog-Eared Book Club
  • Read N Sassy
  • Purple Page Turners (Our school colors are Purple/White)
  • Book Tasting
By the end of the week hopefully have come up with something.  Getting ready for the event is kind of fun though.

Plus we also set up displays of what our book touches.  We are reading Fatal Crossing By:  V.O. Van Heest.  It is about the Search for the Disappearance of the Flight 2501 Northwest Airlines.  So for people to kind of understand what the book touches we also put out books on diving, searching for shipwrecks and about the shipwrecks.  

Books like Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald By: Frederick Stonehouse; 1880 Storm:  Alepna is Missing By: Pete Caesar; Last Dive By:  Bernie Chowdhury; Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Survivals By:  William Ratigan; and  Some ship disasters and their causes By: K.C. Barnaby.  And many more.

Hopefully to get some eyes going that way and possibly getting them to come down and join our discussions.  It should be fun and hope to have a lot of laughs.

Wish us luck!!!!


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