Miss Kelsey's Review

The Harbinger
By: Jonathan Cahn

Thirteen years. It has been thirteen years since the World Trade Towers went down. A time where everything just stopped. For we kept thinking who? Who on the face of the Earth wants to hurt America? And how do we protect ourselves so that this tragedy never happens again on our soil, foreign and domestic.

When it was my turn for the Recommended Reading and I saw that it falls on September 11 I knew I had to read a book that deals with 9/11. But that was a hard decision. There are so many books, fiction AND non-fiction that explains, proof of why and who, or guesses what comes next. It's amazing to see so many people have their own thoughts or facts on why 9/11 happened. And so many have made guesses on what the future NOW holds. Even though it's been thirteen years, the tragedy that took place on 9/11 still affects so many people. So which book could I use for this day, sort of a reminder what happened so we will never forget? Actually a patron that comes into the library a lot, a regular if you will, came up with that answer. They told me of this man who took real-life situations that is taking place as we speak and putting all the facts into a fictional story. When I asked the patron Why not put the facts into a non-fiction book? There replay was Would you have read it otherwise? He did it this way so that everybody would want to read it. The author, Jonathan Cahn was right? 

His book, The Harbinger, shows unbelievable parallels between the signs and forthcomings of Ancient Israel and the United States. Mainly their destruction. Using signs that are actually right in front of us, Cahn can literally link events that will take place based on History. Events that actually took place in the destruction in the Eight Century BC that shows us now how they relate to the 9/11 terror attacks. Nine prophecies, nine events that HAVE taken place in our history provides information of our country being vulnerable, foreign and domestic.

An inspiring story written in a fictional way while proving fact after fact about America. Today I ask you all to do one thing for me. While you are making lunch, watching the children, re-doing your roof, please take a moment and remember. It's difficult to want to remember such a tragedy, but in doing so we can move forward stronger as ever within ourselves and as a Nation. Check your local library on other books pertaining to the 9/11.


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